Ubuntu installs - best way to backup files

Sean Hammond sean.hammond at gmail.com
Fri Apr 28 18:34:58 UTC 2006

On 4/28/06, Michael V. De Palatis <mdepalatis at mail.utexas.edu> wrote:
> A couple of points here. If someone is uncapable of backing up their
> own files, is Linux really the best choice for them? I know Ubuntu is
> generally far easier to use than most other linux distros, but it's
> still not completely there yet in terms of usability by the general
> public (this is really more of a driver issue than anything else, and
> is unfortunately largely out of Ubuntu's hands since it will take
> manufacturers writing drivers to fix this).

Well, they're using Windows at the moment, and I don't see what is
easier about Windows than Ubuntu for their purposes (access webmail,
play music, write essays). The only thing that pops up frequently is
wireless card drivers, but we take care of that for them on the day of
the install. These particular people are folks who came to a Free
Software talk and demo we organised with Gareth Bowker and Erik
Chakravarty, afterwards they contacted us asking for help installing
Linux. They may have technical reasons for it, but I suspect it's more
for ethical reasons.

Also the reason they're incapable of backing up is usually because
they don't have any device to back them up onto.

> That said, why are they "never capable" of backing up their files?
> Sure, you should probably still do it for them just in case, but what
> makes them uncapable?

Just so happens that I come across this often, most people I setup
Ubuntu for aren't able to back up their files. They don't have a CD
writer or external drive and express general confusion over how to do
a backup.

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