off topic

James Gray james at
Fri Apr 28 05:45:13 UTC 2006

On Fri, 28 Apr 2006 08:17 am, bill biggs wrote:
> The reason I posted it is to so why linux will replace windows ?

Why do so many people see Linux as the "successor" to the variety of Microsoft 
operating systems?  Open Source software (be it a command line calculator or 
an entire operating system) is about CHOICE.  Take away all alternatives, 
except a single OS (Linux or otherwise), and what have we gained?

Linux will replace some Windows installations, along with other OS'es too 
(Solaris, MacOS, Irix, etc) but I doubt our friends in Washington are going 
to go away in any of our lifetimes.

My $0.02 - take it or leave it :)

This wasn't just plain terrible, this was fancy terrible.  This was terrible
with raisins in it.
		-- Dorothy Parker
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