Question, Re: bug 40983

Derek Broughton news at
Mon Apr 24 18:22:08 UTC 2006

towsonu2003 wrote:

> Derek Broughton Wrote:
>> Sef wrote:
>> > The safest way is to reinstall your the os.  If you have home
>> > partition, you don't need to reformat it.
>> Ack!  What a Windows way to go...
> yet it is the one that works best in any system, regardless of
> customizations made. not everything windows "says" is wrong...

I'm not convinced it is either the best or the safest.  In this case,
Windows is very definitely wrong.  Every time I have reinstalled an OS I
have discovered, after the fact, that I failed to copy over something of
value.  It's rarely _important_, but there's always something.

In any Debian-based distro, it should be unnecessary.

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