How the applet NetworkManager works?

Derek Broughton news at
Mon Apr 24 13:20:57 UTC 2006

Byron Poland wrote:

> To fully utilize Network Manager in Ubuntu, you have to comment out
> all of your network interfaces except lo in /etc/network/interfaces.

That's a horrible bug.  Especially since every other package in
interface-land is adding stuff to interfaces.  At the very least,
network-manager needs to _ignore_ interfaces, rather than simply failing to
> Then if you boot with a network cable in, NM will pick that up, and
> when you pull the cable it will look for a wireless ap, I don't use
> wired access much, so I'm not sure how well that scenario works.

Wired works fine.
> NM is working pretty well in my laptop bouncing between 3 wireless
> spots.  Once in a while it can't connect or get an ip from my
> airport-express in my apt, but I think that is an issue with the
> ipw2200 drivers.

ipw2200 works fine for me, except that I have to manually start it every

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