Chinese text entry

Avraham Hanadari rufus at
Sat Apr 22 11:14:21 UTC 2006

Loïc Martin wrote:
> Michael T. Richter a écrit :
>> On Tue, 2006-18-04 at 17:03 +0300, Avraham Hanadari wrote:
>>> The recent thread about Korean text entry made mention of Scid/Skid, 
>>> which I recall from an installation of SuSE. I went to their site 
>>> ( but am uncertain what to choose and how to 
>>> proceed. Is there something already onboard Ubunto that will enable 
>>> keying Chinese? I much prefer the pinyin input I use under Windows 
>>> and had in that brief encounter with SuSE.     
>> From either universe or multiverse (I can't remember which):
>> - scim (input method infrastructure)
>> - scim-chinese (smart pinyin)
>> - scim-tables-zh (a whole bunch of others including, most usefully, 
>> Ziranma and Wubi)
> At least for Dapper (don't think it was done for Breezy, then please 
> follow Michael's advice) you just select Chinese support in 
> System>Administration>Language Support. Everything gets installed.
> If your session is in Chinese, you have scim input everywhere. If it's 
> not, too bad, but atm you only have scim in apps that allow input method 
> selection with a right click in the page (like gterm and gedit - and I 
> know it's not gterm, but I'm too lazy to type the full name :) It 
> *should* be gterm anyway :P ). You can set scim input everywhere (like 
> OO) yourself, but that means reading some docs and editing a few files 
> (if you're happy enough to have understood the docs, of course). Don't 
> ask me though, I still use Breezy when I need to input Chinese (a 
> hassle, but I least it works).
> Cheers,
> Loïc
Thanks. I have scim working now in Breezy. The remaining problem is with 
OOo 2.01, where I can not input Chinese, because Writer immediately crashes.

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