Question about dual monitors

Daniel Carrera daniel.carrera at
Sat Apr 22 00:24:53 UTC 2006

Antony Gelberg wrote:
>> You see that those are actually the same device? Okay, you've chosen 
>> different identifiers. But the identifier is just a user-chosen 
>> string. There is nothing to tell X that "ATI_1" means "VGA out". These 
>> two devices are the same.
> The Devices are not the same.  They are different due to the differing 
> Screen parameter.

Okay, so this shifts the question to the Screen parameter. How does X or 
Xinerama know that Screen 0 is supposed to be the LCD and Screen 1 is 
supposed to be the CRT?

    /\/_/   A life? Sounds great!
    \/_/    Do you know where I could download one?

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