Mount Error Message for smbfs

Tobias Baldauf robin.goodfellow at
Fri Apr 21 18:34:28 UTC 2006


I just added some harddrives from my network-fileserver to be mounted
during boot.

I added:

// /media/Mountfoldername smbfs
dmask=777,fmask=777,user,rw   0       0

to my /etc/fstab.

When I entered

sudo mount -a

afterwards, it prompted me this:

params.c:Parameter() - Ignoring badly formed line in configuration file:
+########## Domains ###########

Paralized, I entered my User-PW of Ubuntu ... and it worked. Harddrive
mounted & read/writeable.

During the next boot this 'badly formad line' error came up again & I
was again asked for my PW.

Now I am trying to get this harddrive to automount without typing a PW
at each boot. And I'm trying to get rid of that 'badly formed line'.

What is badly formed about this new line in fstab? And how do I manage
to automount the harddrive without typing in my PW each time?

Thanks alot!


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