hard disk integrity check

Balvinder Kataora nine.socks at gmail.com
Wed Apr 19 12:15:51 UTC 2006

> SMART catches about 80% of looming disk errors (according to the SMART
> people that is). And disk firmware is written to take care of usual
> errors wherever possible, but it'll never be bullet-proof.

I never knew that about SMART.

This 20Gb drive will be used as an OS disk or to boot the machine from. The
main user data will be kept on a RAID5 array. Looking at the machine I have
it seems a RAID1 Mirror set is possible for the boot disk. I have little
(close to none) long term experience with mirrored boot disk, do you think
the time invested to create one would be beneficial?

Did anyone find having a mirrored boot disk of any use?

I apprecaite all the replies so far, it's been interesting ;)
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