Ubuntu OpenOffice broken?

Avraham Hanadari hanadari at zahav.net.il
Wed Apr 19 05:35:47 UTC 2006

It would seem that the reason that the Dictionary / Thesaurus / 
Hyphenation Wizard in Open Office does not work is that the Ubuntu pre-2 
version of OO is broken. In fact, the only way to install any thesaurus 
internally (Synaptic) is to downgrade the currently installed OO. I have 
read in the forums that downloading the newest OO will solve that 
problem, so I currently have a Torrent running for that. Am I on the 
right track?

Is there any problem with replacing the Ubuntu version with the latest 
OO? Need I uninstall the Ubuntu installation before installing the most 
recent version (as I have been doing in Windows)? How should I remove 
the Ubuntu OO? How should I install the downloaded OO?

Thanks in advance.


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