Mounting Fat32

Avraham Hanadari rufus at
Sat Apr 15 15:54:16 UTC 2006

sitedesign wrote:
> If you click on 'System' - 'administration' - 'disks'. Then that is a
> utility which should be able to molunt them for you.
> remember to create a directory to mount them under in the file manager
> first.
> Then select that location for each one and click the enable button.
> That will mount the partitions for the current session.
> Note the properties of the partition, device, filesystem and access
> path.
> Now you need to edit /etc/fstab file to make that permanent.
> from a terminal
> sudo gedit /etc/fstab
> Then put the line in at the bottom some thing like:
> device-name       access-path       filesystem        defaults       0 
> 0
> eg:
> /dev/hda2      /home/pking/media/windows      vfat    defaults     0   
> 0

> You could also replace 'defaults' with 'noatime' which speeds up the
> use of the disk (stops it writing the access time for every read of a
> file).
> Hope that helps
> Regards Pete

I did as you suggested. Hope this works.


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