OT: Idiotic language pedantry

Francisco Borges f.borges at rug.nl
Thu Apr 13 13:31:18 UTC 2006

ยป On Thu, Apr 13, 2006 at 02:14PM +0100, Daniel Carrera wrote:

> Francisco Borges wrote:
> >If the email was friendly I don't know, but I honestly think my email
> >was not "unfriendly". Try reading it again:
> >
> >1. I do make a strong point and use strong words ("idiotic and counter
> >   productive")
> You don't think that's unfriendly?

0. Let's NOT have a flame war about it, ok?

1. To answer your question:

1.1 making a strong point:
    unfriendly: no

1.2 calling a discussion idiotic:
    unfriendly: perhaps.

    It depends on the context (and of course on the value of whatever is
    called idiotic). On that particular case, I think that I wrote enough
    other notes ("best regards", "sorry about rant side of life") that
    make it clear that that was not the intention in that email.

1.3 calling a discussion counter productive:
    unfriendly: no.

Best regards,

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