Nero CD/DVD burner equivalent for ubuntu?

Nicolas da Luz Duque hot_boy at
Wed Apr 12 09:47:49 UTC 2006

<big snip>

I hope all of you are aware that in ubuntu, data CD burning should be
done with nautilus (with simple drag and drop of the file - couldn't be
easier) and serpentine should be used for audio CD's.

These apps are supported in ubuntu and others might be less supported.
They are simple to use and very effective. I don't see why someone would
want to use something else: others app will be less supported as I
already said, they wouldn't be as well integrated into the environment
as the default ones.

I'm sure power users might have good reasons not to use the default
apps. But here you're advising someone who's obviously new to linux
(hence his question about a *Nero* equivalent). I even saw one of you
advising nerolinux which is *not even free software* ! It is so *not*
ubuntu-spirit !

New users should be advised to stick to the defaults to have a fully
supported distribution. That way, they'll be able to get all the help
they need. Otherwise not (especially with non-free software).

With less help from the community, and more bug and problems due to non
supported apps, the new user is more likely to think that the whole
thing doesn't work. Which could lead him to return to his previous
(proprietary?) OS...

Nicolas da Luz Duque
Jabber <iceman at>
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