Ekiga and Gizmo project

Buffalo Soldier ulist at gs1.ubuntuforums.org
Tue Apr 11 02:41:14 UTC 2006

Assuming -1747645xxxx- is your SIP number. You can get your SIP number
when viewing/editing your Gizmo user profile.

Run Ekiga and go to Edit -> Accounts -> Add. And add these entry:

Account Name: *gizmo*

Registrar: *proxy01.sipphone.com*

User: *-1747645xxxx-*

Password: ************

Authentication Login: *-1747645xxxx-*

Realm/Domain: *proxy01.sipphone.com*

Registration Timeout: *3600*

References to Gizmo Knowledgebase:  
-  'What  is my SIP URI?'


-  'Where can I find my SIP number?'


-  'How to view my profile?'

Buffalo Soldier

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