cupsys-driver-gimpprint-data package unavailable for Dapper?

Clive Menzies clive at
Mon Apr 10 15:46:20 UTC 2006

On (10/04/06 22:45), Dave M G wrote:
> Thank you for the suggestion. I ran the reconfiguration utility, and 
> chose the default options.
> Unfortunately, the printer is still not working. By not working, I mean 
> that any job sent to the printer, be it a test page from the CUPS web 
> interface or anything else, always gets shown as completed immediately, 
> and the printer does absolutely nothing.
> As I was writing this, I just discovered a new error message in the CUPS 
> web interface. I got the error by doing this:
> First I tried to print a test page. It shows the job as complete. The 
> printer does nothing. I then click to reprint the job, and CUPS displays 
> a page which says only this:
> Error
> client-error-not-possible
> By searching on the net, I found a page that suggested the problem was a 
> missing package called gs-esp. However, I used apt-get, and it turned 
> out that I already had it, so that was a dead end. But the same page 
> reminded me of the CUPS error log. Here's what a tail of that log reveals:
> dave at homebase:/etc/cups$ tail /var/log/cups/error_log
> D [10/Apr/2006:17:31:20 +0900] cupsdReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
> D [10/Apr/2006:17:31:20 +0900] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data 
> provided.
> D [10/Apr/2006:17:31:20 +0900] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=0 
> (successful-ok)
> D [10/Apr/2006:17:31:20 +0900] cupsdReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
> D [10/Apr/2006:17:31:20 +0900] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data 
> provided.
> D [10/Apr/2006:17:31:20 +0900] cupsdProcessIPPRequest: 5 status_code=1 
> (successful-ok-ignored-or-substituted-attributes)
> D [10/Apr/2006:17:31:25 +0900] cupsdReadClient: 5 POST / HTTP/1.1
> D [10/Apr/2006:17:31:25 +0900] cupsdAuthorize: No authentication data 
> provided.
> E [10/Apr/2006:17:39:48 +0900] LoadAllSubscriptions: Unable to open 
> /etc/cups/subscriptions.conf - No such file or directory
> E [10/Apr/2006:22:25:45 +0900] LoadAllSubscriptions: Unable to open 
> /etc/cups/subscriptions.conf - No such file or directory
> I then tried looking up the error "No authentication data provided", but 
> hit a wall. On the web site, it had a list of twelve possible 
> problems, but I'm a little lost as to narrow them down:
> Is there anything here which may help shed light on the problem?

I came in on this late and am not sure of your setup.  I assume the
printer is connected directly to your Dapper box?  One thing I've found
when wrestling with printer problems is the necessity to turn of the
printer to clear the buffer in case any failed jobs are stuck in the
pipe.  Also through the cups interface check that no jobs are stuck in
the queue before testing.  Sometimes turning off the printer, shutting
down, turning the printer on and then booting will resolve it.

If none of this helps; you may want to post /etc/cups/cupsd.conf
although I've always found the defaults seem to play nicely.

As far as reprinting previous jobs from cups itself is concerned, I have
never managed it but I suspect it requires some configuration tweaks.



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