Ubuntu + LPI question

Daniel Carrera daniel.carrera at zmsl.com
Sun Apr 9 09:42:48 UTC 2006

Mauricio Hernandez Z. wrote:
> So, why community people contribute and support (I even wanted to
> contribute as translator until I found out about this non-diclosure
> issue) to LPI but "testers" are prohibitted to mention in any way about
> the questions or format?

Uhmm... because it's cheating to give the questions to the next guy.

> I mean, shouldn't LPI "official people" be able to modify questions
> based on the contribtuions? Should not the questions be different from
> exam to exam?

That would be a lot more work and make the exam 3 times more expensive.

> Exams are taken in pen and paper.. why? This is a series of exams for IT
> knowledge.

There is a computer option for people who have too much money.

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