Other Distros (NOT A FLAMEWAR TOPIC!!)

Marek Pawinski pawinski at ananzi.co.za
Sun Apr 9 00:05:39 UTC 2006

Gary W. Swearingen wrote:
> I've recently tried installing Debian, Ubuntu, Kubunto, Fedora, and
> Mandriva (all amd64 versions), trying to find one that will run the
> realplayer (32 bit, of course) tolerably well.  (None of them will;
> the menus and the streaming both seem to update at several second
> intervals.  But that's a different thread.  I plan to try a pure 32
> bit OS and then complain to the Helix project in any case.  Then it's
> back to the BSD world until there's a new realplayer to try.)

Mandriva x86_64 runs Realplayer just fine on my system, i use it often 
with no problems whatsoever, not the free version though.

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