Ubuntu + LPI question

Daniel Carrera daniel.carrera at zmsl.com
Sat Apr 8 22:26:13 UTC 2006

Alan McKinnon wrote:
>>Ok, this is a good goal to aim at for me. My background is not
>>system administration (it's mathematics and teaching) but my
>>knowledge level is roughly at the Junior LPI level. I looked at the
>>sample questions and I got about 73% right. So getting a Junior
>>cert should require only a reasonable amount of study.
> A thorough knowledge of how Linux works is usually enough to get 
> through the exam well, and developers usually pass easily if they've 
> had some exposure to most objectives. The target testee is someone 
> with about one year's real experience. Serious hard-core sysadmin is 
> more LPIC 2.

Oh, I feel better. I'm a developer (MySQL and PHP mostly) and I have 
several years of real experience. I started using Slackware in 1998. 
Naturally, I'm better at the things I'm interested in, like text 
processing (bash, perl, awk, etc.). I sort of admin a server, but all it 
requires is knowing mysql and Apache. I couldn't setup a mailing list to 
save my life. So I think I'll need to study a few things.

      /\/`) http://opendocumentfellowship.org
    /\/_/   A life? Sounds great!
    \/_/    Do you know where I could download one?

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