adding fonts

squareyes squareyes at
Fri Apr 7 23:34:35 UTC 2006

Avraham Hanadari wrote:

> Just setting things up, and I have several questions the answers to 
> which I could not find within Ubuntu. Perhaps someone can help.
> I have the Hebrew language selected among languages, and a Hebrew 
> keyboard link on the panel, but I don't have the fonts I am accustomed 
> to using. In fact there seem to be large numbers of Arabic and Hindi 
> fonts, but not the ones I want for Hebrew and European languages. I 
> have TT fonts aplenty from Windows, but how do I get them into use by 
> the system?
> Thanks in advance, Avraham
HI Avraham,

Copy the fonts to the fonts folder /usr/share/fonts/truetype/ and
run 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig'.
Hope this helps,
Take Care

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