binary graphics drivers

John Vivirito gnomefreak at
Wed Apr 5 17:54:20 UTC 2006

> Has someone got an ATI or NVIDIA graphics card that needs binary
> drivers to work with 3d? If so, can they please check this section of
> the Desktop guide for accuracy (none of the authors have such a card,
> and can't check)?
> Please cc: me if you reply, I don't tend to read -users.
> Thanks very much in advance for any replies.
> Matt

the nvidia part of the guide isnt all that correct. all they show is
backing up xorg and installing nvidia-settings and nvidia-glx. they
left out sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and changing the driver to
nv or nvidia (some cards work on one or the other i have found) Here is
a more thorough guide
As for the ATI guide im not real sure i gave up on ATI.

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