Breezy Badger - Ubuntu Kubuntu mix

Karl Goetz kamping_kaiser at
Wed Apr 5 04:21:29 UTC 2006

Bjørn Ingmar Berg wrote:
> On 04/04/06, Antony Gelberg <antony at> wrote:
>> If you have the disk space and motivation, a side-by-side install might
>> be good.  In fact here's an idea that beats creating disk partitions.
>> Why not return your Ubuntu install to the default, or re-install if it's
>> a new box and you think it would be quicker than purging packages.  Then
>> create a chroot and install Kubuntu into that with debootstrap.
>> Voila, two separate installs.  With not much work you could have Ubuntu
>> on Alt-F7 and Kubuntu on Alt-F8.  They would share a kernel but big deal.
> That is a great idea.  Thanks a lot.
> Regards,
> Bjørn Ingmar Berg
I'm doing this with 2 Dapper installs.
You will get irritated pretty fast if you have the same experiences as i
do. They both want to be default login manager (i haven't put any effort
into stopping them conflicting yet) and you will find applications just
don't launch for no particularly good reason.

Karl Goetz
The buck stops there -> $
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