DLL vs Shared Library

Michael T. Richter ttmrichter at gmail.com
Wed Apr 5 04:06:11 UTC 2006

On Fri, 2006-31-03 at 22:07 +0200, Alan McKinnon wrote:

Thanks for pointing this out to me, Alan.  I missed this little gem.

> > > In RealLife(tm) MS dlls are not versioned like ours are, so an
> > > app has no easy way of knowing which version is installed.

> > It might help avoid future embarrassment if you learned the
> > technology you bashed.  

> And you should read what I wrote instead of what you think I wrote. 

You wrote "an app has no easy way of knowing which version is
installed" (in relation to MS DLLs).  Am I misquoting something?

That is a flat-out FUD-based lie or it is an expression of ignorance.  I
tend to assume ignorance before malice, but if you're more comfortable
being called a liar I'll be happy to oblige.

The fact is that it is very easy for an app to know which version of a
DLL is installed.  I'll quote the relevant API calls from the original
message to save myself some typing.

> > Note the APIs referenced there:
> > - GetFileVersionInfo()
> > - GetFileVersioninfoSize()
> > - VerQueryValue

Saying that the version system of MS DLLs is flawed in that you can't
have multiple versions lying around on the same system (as Philip Susi
did)?  That's a correct statement.  It sucks so hard it could pull
bowling balls through garden hoses.  But saying you can't easily find
out what version you have?  That's just wrong.  And the problem?  You
wrote the latter, not the former.

> I didn't say 'no way', I said 'no easy way'.

You'd still have to be a dullard to have a problem getting version

> I didn't say MS doesn't record version info, I said it does it in a 
> different way to *nix, with undesirable side effects.

No.  You said: "an app has no easy way of knowing which version is
installed".  See the difference?  You made no mention of any form of
comparison and you said nothing about side effects.  You said "no easy
way of knowing which version is installed".

I leave it to you to decide whether I should treat it as ignorance (my
default assumption) or a lie (your seeming preferred option).

Michael T. Richter
Email: ttmrichter at gmail.com, mtr1966 at hotpop.com
MSN: ttmrichter at hotmail.com, mtr1966 at hotmail.com; YIM:
michael_richter_1966; AIM: YanJiahua1966; ICQ: 241960658; Jabber:
mtr1966 at jabber.cn

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