MP3 to MIDI ?

Santanu Chatterjee thisissantanu at
Tue Apr 4 06:28:15 UTC 2006

On 4/1/06, localzuk <ulist at> wrote:
> I do not see how converting MP3's to MIDI would work. A midi file is
> like a piece of sheet music and is interpretted by the device that
> plays it - in this case your mobile phone.

Yes, I know what you mean. But I have seen software that
tries to identify the components (instruments) from the MP3s
(removing the voice part) and produces the corresponding MIDI.

> MP3's store digital representations of sound - without any seperation
> between sources of each sound. If you could convert between MP3 and
> MIDI, the resulting file would *not* be what you expect - it would be
> quite strange - as the converter would more than likely save all sound
> sources as one instrument.

Yes, you are right. I saw that the program I found ( IIRC, an
octave program ) could only work with mono wav files (MP3 to wav is
easy) and the result was hardly what I expected. That's why I was
thinking maybe some software might be available that does a better
job than that.

> Take a look at for information on

Thanks for the link.

But still, if MP3 to MIDI conversion is not feasible, I would still
want to find some information on converting MIDI to mobile MIDI
format (or S-MIDI as it seems to be called) as I do have a big
collection of normal MIDI files.


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