How to cut a MP3 in half?

Tchize tchize at
Mon Apr 3 12:00:24 UTC 2006

the uuencode / bzip2 is useless.

#split it binary in 500k chuncks
split -b 500k track.mp3 splittedTrack
#now just check it
rm result
cat splittedTrack* >> result
#both md5sum should be same
md5sum result
md5sum splittedTrack

Duncan Anderson a écrit :

>On Thursday, 30 March 2006 19:52, Vincent Trouilliez wrote:
>>On Thu, 2006-03-30 at 11:06 -0600, Wade Smart wrote:
>>>I have to upload an mp3 but its to large (and I didnt create it).
>>>Is there a way to cut it in half and then upload it?
>>Maybe you could just "compress" it to ZIP or tar.gz or whatever format,
>>since most archivers can split an archives into several small files,
>>typically to fit it onto multiple floppy disks.
>The "old-fashioned way" of doing this, (speaking as an old UNIX support 
>person), is the following:
>uuencode Track.mp3 Track.mp3 > Track.uu
>LINES=`wc -l Track.uu`
>split --lines=$SPLITLINES Track.uu Track
>This will produce two uuencoded parts which can then be compressed:
>bzip2 Track??
>resulting in Trackaa.bz2 and Trackab.bz2
>These can be uploaded, and then later downloaded. The reassembly goes like 
>bunzip2 Track??.bz2
>cat Track?? > Track.uu
>uudecode Track.uu
>You will now have the EXACT original file, no loss of any kind.
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