Destroying "only" your home directory (was Re: Newbie question on permissions)

Chanchao custom at
Mon Apr 3 10:42:49 UTC 2006

Hello Ari,

Monday, April 3, 2006, 3:53:30 PM, you wrote:

AT> First I tell people that security is the strong point of Linux. Then I
AT> tell them that backing up personal files is very important. Next I have
AT> to tell them that there's no usable graphical tool available for doing
AT> this in Ubuntu/Linux. (Backing up 1,5 gigs of data every time when some
AT> of the files have changed isn't usable.

Whot..!   Of course it is!  An external USB drive costs, what, US$ 100
? That'll be 40 Gigs at least, possibly 80.

Over a USB 2.0 cable, backing up 1.5 Gb would take about.... a lot less time
than it took me to write this post! :)

Ok, let me Google it up.. For one archive file, you'd get about 300
MB / second speed over USB 2.0.. So 1.5 Gigs would take, awww, less than 10
seconds.  There'd be some time archiving as well, but so what, CPU's
love a good workout. :)

AT> Trying to remember which files
AT> have changed when you would like to get them backed up isn't usable).

Right.  Besides, settings & emails & favourites change all the time,
and you'd want them backed up without worrying about them.

AT> I think this problem has been recognized among Ubuntu developers and
AT> hopefully things will get better in the future :-)

Yeah, probably.  I hope they make it really straightforward though,
not try to make it a graphical interface to tar. :) Like with a
wizard to walk people throught the decision making. I like wizards.
(Except Harry Potter, the boring little *#@$(#$.)


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