Destroying "only" your home directory (was Re: Newbie question on permissions)

Michael T. Richter ttmrichter at
Mon Apr 3 05:14:08 UTC 2006

On Mon, 2006-03-04 at 10:47 +0700, Chanchao wrote:

> Well.. How about open your home folder in Nautilus, go up one folder
> into home, right-click on your home folder and go 'Archive', then create
> the archive file on an external USB drive?

That would be the typical UNIX way to make "backups", yes.

Where does that leave file versioning?  Incremental (or differential)
backups?  Selective backups?  (I have stuff in my home folder that I
wouldn't mind too terribly much losing that sucks up a lot of space.)
System configurations (for those "power users" that might want to handle
that situation as well)?

A good backup application handles all of that in a format that's easy to

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