Swap - forcing Swap

Andreas Happe news_0403 at flatline.ath.cx
Thu Sep 29 22:18:30 UTC 2005

On 2005-09-29, snpe <snpe at snpe.co.yu> wrote:
> swap is space on disk and system use it when haven't enough memory
> When swap is unused it is very good - have enough memory

it depends. Imagine a large unused program (like a JVM with around
500mb) which you don't use always (think i2p anonymity proxy). You do
not want that program to fill your RAM. This programs memory can be
swapped out and the free memory used for cache.

> You can't force usage of swap 

wrong: you can use some /proc/sys/vm parameters to do this.

> and you don't want this

depends upon your usage patterns.


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