Installing Breezy with LVM

Kristian Vilmann kvi at
Thu Sep 29 20:33:33 UTC 2005

'Forum Post wrote:
> Ben Edwards Wrote: 
>>I read somewhere that the installer for Breezy would make it possible to
>>install a system using LVM.  Anyone know where there is more into/a
[snip VERY long disclaimer]
> I found this really easy in Breezy Preview Release. When the installer
> asks you to partition the HD you have a number of options and
> partitioning as LVM is one of them where the installer automatically
> sets the partition for you.

Ehhh?  Sounds like it's a new feature? Did someone write it into the 
Releasenotes or something? I heard it somewhere else the other day.

I've been doing LVM-installs with Hoary since it came out.


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