dual-head setup question

Matt Patterson matt at v8zman.com
Thu Sep 29 20:14:42 UTC 2005

You might try to relabel your message. Technically dual head is when you 
have multiple monitors for the same user. I dont know what it is 
referred to when a machine has two users, but clarifying might be helpful.


albi wrote:

>i've set up a dual-head machine (2 monitors, 2 ps/2 kbd, 2 usb-mice,
>was helpful)
>and it works fine, except for one rather annoying problem, when 1 user
>logs out, the other user's screen gets completely messed up
>(ctrl-alt-backspace "brings it back")
>is there a fix for this ?
>could not find this on the net [yet].. is the logitech mini optical
>mouse supported by linux ?

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