Dual Boot Grub Question (boot cd problem)

Till tillm at optushome.com.au
Thu Sep 29 09:25:23 UTC 2005

On 29/09/05 12:25 Richard Querin Wrote:

> Cheers to Till, Thomas, David, Bob, Duncan, Mark, Johan et al. .. I finally
> got this thing to dual boot properly!! Thanks to all for putting an end to a
> couple of weeks of frustration. Now to get my sound card working... hehe
> (seems Till and Thomas were right in that booting grub from the ntloader was
> a possible solution)

Just some useless information:  Your fiendly neighbourhood
Mongrelsoft have a clause preventing people from using the NT
or any windows boot loader from booting anything other than an
MS OS, not that you'd probably give a damn, but like I said, a
bit of useless information :)


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