what works in xp and not in ubuntu

Duncan Lithgow duncan at lithgow-schmidt.dk
Wed Sep 28 18:53:21 UTC 2005

Qcad was mentioned. AutoCAD is widely used and their dwg format supports 
a lot more information than the dxf can. dxf doesn't do layers for 
example. And that's critical for even moderately complex building 
designs. Therefore I can't use Qcad to send a useful file to a user of 

> By the time Autocad works on linux, it won't matter, anyone
> worth their salt is moving over to Inventor or other related
> products.
which will probably still rely on much of the things which mean AutoCAD 
can't run under *nix

> We don't use Autocad anymore, Autodesk Inventor is
> far more powerfull and flexible.
What industry are you in? Architects (at least the generation with the 
controling stake) are strangely slow to adopt 3D software. I wonder how 
well Qcad and Blender play together?


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