that darned ROOT problem

Bo Grimes newslists at
Wed Sep 28 15:08:47 UTC 2005

Steve Kratz wrote:

>>I am a bit bothered by sudo anyway.  I have 5 kids.  I 
>>encourage them all to use Linux, but I don't worry about them 
>>screwing with the system.  They all know my user password.  
>>With Ubuntu they could now do anything they want in the GUI 
>>with that password.  This will force me to change my password 
>>and set them up a seperate account.
>>No biggie, but I don't like the idea that anyone with my user 
>>passward has complete control of my system.  It's not like 
>>I'm a system admin.  
>>I'm just a dad on a home pc, so I don't protect my user 
>>password from my family and I don't bother with 7 seperate accounts.
>I believe you can control who can sudo with /etc/sudoers...
>If you "man sudoers" it should show the details.

Right, but at this point my user account is the only account and by 
default it can and must be able to.  This leaves me setting up other 
accounts.  Again, no biggie, but it hasn't been my habit to set up a lot 
of accounts for a home pc nor has it been my practice to protect my user 
account from my family.

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