Dual Boot Grub Question (boot cd problem)

Till tillm at optushome.com.au
Wed Sep 28 14:16:40 UTC 2005

On 28/09/05 23:42 Richard Querin Wrote:

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Richard Querin <rfquerin at gmail.com>
> Date: Sep 28, 2005 9:42 AM
> Subject: Re: Dual Boot Grub Question (boot cd problem)
> To: Till <tillm at optushome.com.au>
> On 9/28/05, Till <tillm at optushome.com.au> wrote:
>> Are you just trying to dual boot Ubuntu with XP, or do you
>> have more complicated needs?
>> --
>> Till
> I am trying to dual boot with XP. I've tried the standard way (both writing
> grub to the MBR and putting it into it's own /boot partition) and it isn't
> working. The boot cd solution seems like my last hope.
> Currently, if I use the ubuntu installer (the partitioner) to make the /boot
> partition bootable, then the grub menu works however windows will not launch
> (NTLDR missing message) but ubuntu will launch. The only way I can make XP
> boot it seems is to keep the NTFS partition bootable but then it boots
> straight to XP bypassing grub entirely.
> The original attempt which overwrote the MBR did not work. Creating the
> /boot paritition seems like the most successful try so far, if I could only
> solve the NTLDR missing problem. I've messed around with menu.lst file to no
> avail.

I never did like putting grub into the MBR, have to re-install
grub everytime you need to re-install winblows :(

Anyway, the best way to do it in hoary is to make a boot
floppy during install - so when you get to the point where it
asks where to install grub, you put it on a floppy.  Now
here's the catch, if you type /dev/fd0, you'll most probably
get an error, this seems to be an Ubuntu problem because I
never had that problem with other distros.  the way to do it
is type (fd0) and it will put your boot image on floppy - oh
make sure you have a clean floppy in the drive before typing
the command!

Now once Ubuntu has finished installing and has rebooted from
the floppy you made, got to a terminal and as root or sudo type:

dd if=/dev/fd0 of=/home/YourloginName/LINUX.LNX bs=512 count=1

Make sure your boot floppy is in the drive!

Now copy the file created in your home directory to the floppy
and reboot into windows.  Copy the linux.lnx file from the
floppy to your C Drive.  Edit your boot.ini and add to the end
of it
C:\LINUX.LNX="Ubuntu Linux"

When you boot up again, you should get the option to boot
windows or Ubuntu, select ubuntu and away we go :)

Oh remember to remove the floppy :)


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