switching hoary ubuntu -> kubuntu

Art Alexion art.alexion at verizon.net
Wed Sep 28 12:21:18 UTC 2005

Derek Broughton wrote:

>Art Alexion wrote:
>>Derek Broughton wrote:
>>>Art Alexion wrote:
>>>>I tested this machine for KDE by installing the KDE meta package.
>>>>Everything works except k3b which wont install.  similarly the
>>>>kubuntu-desktop package wont install because it depends on k3b.  After
>>>>using KDE for a while (on this machine -- in ubuntu) I prefer it to
>>>>Gnome.  Is there a way to convert a Ubuntu installation to pure kubuntu
>>>>without a fresh install?
>>>Yes, but "won't install" isn't nearly enough to go on.  If your
>>>sources.list is correct, installing kubuntu-desktop will work and be
>>Here is the command line output for 'sudo apt-get install kb3':
>>       Depends: libc6 (>= 2.3.5-1) but 2.3.2.ds1-20ubuntu14 is to be
>Despite Oliver's complaints about backports, this looks bad, and nothing to
>do with backports.  You are trying to install much too-recent (post libc6
>upgrade) software into hoary.  
OK. Let's accept that that is the case.  But why would a Hoary version
of k3b depend on libraries that are too recent for Hoary?  And what
might be a solution?  I know that others have successfully installed k3b
in Hoary, so there must be a solution.

>And I'd bet:
>>deb http://www.rarewares.org/debian/packages/unstable ./
>I don't mean to be rude, but do you have a clue what you're doing?  Really,
>don't include lines in your sources.list unless you are absolutely certain
>what they're doing.  
At the time I added the line, I knew what it was for.  I was using Warty
at the time and it was supplying some audio stuff that wasn't in the
warty universe or multiverse.  It is probably unnecessary at this point.

As to whether I know what I am doing, I wouldn't be asking these
questions if I could solve this problem myself.

>You CAN NOT include debian/unstable (or ubuntu/breezy)
>software into hoary without very carefully using Apt pinning (a complicated
>topic of its own), because they're using an entirely different libc6.
I'll comment it out and see what happens.

As to pinning, I remember playing with that when I first added rarewares
and marillat, but a look at my /etc/apt/apt.conf indicates that those
lines were eliminated.  I found this anomaly which I assumed had been
changed when I did a dist-upgrade:

   APT::Default-Release "warty";

Should I change that to hoary, eliminate or ignore it?

>Also, I'd drop the OpenOffice line and get it from a proper Ubuntu
That repository never worked.  I just keep forgetting to remove it.  It
was supposed to provide the OpenOffice 2 betas, but never worked.

>JEdit is probably safe.
I probably don't even need it anymore.  gedit was too weak, nedit too
old, and emacs too obscure so it served its purpose as a powerful gui
text editor.  Kate is probably sufficient at this point.


Art Alexion
Arthur S. Alexion LLC
arthur [at] alexion [dot] com
aim: aalexion
sms: 2679725536 [at] messaging [dot] sprintpcs [dot] com

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