Cannot play wmv files in totem xine

ZIYAD A. M. AL-BATLY zamb at
Wed Sep 28 11:20:24 UTC 2005

On Wed, 2005-09-28 at 10:49 +0200, R.L. Reingard wrote:
> > Am 28.09.2005, 09:54 Uhr, schrieb Charles Yao <yaocharlesc at>:
> > I cant seem to play wmv files in totem-xine. I already installed the w32
> > codecs but it still wont play
> hi Charles
> even on my machine some wmv files create trouble, like strange sound  
> behaviour. but some they play also nicely in TOTEM-xine. i guess there are  
> some different standards (versions) possible for wmv files.
> did you followed all that work mentioned in this link below, regarding  
> Codecs and DVD-Video ?
> regards, René

(This trick only work with Totem with the Xine back-end!)
For sound in WMV (and WMA) to work, do the following:
      * Close all Totem (and "xine-gui", "gxine" if you installed any of
        them) windows.
      * Edit the file "~/.xine/catalog.cache".
      * Search for "win32a".
      * Three lines below that line, you'll find a line that reads
        "decoder_priority=1".  Change it to "decoder_priority=7".
      * Save the file.

Try Totem and hope for the best.

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