Andy Choens gunksta at
Tue Sep 27 01:20:16 UTC 2005

This is the package I currently love to hate.

I really need to get it to work fully, and it's just NOT cooperating.

I've got two problems. I'll accept help on either one, but I think you'll be
able to tell which is more important.

I'm running an up-to-date breezy amd-64.

1) HELP! I need to use base. I also need to be able to use several of the
other JAVA ONLY functions, so I really need to get this going. I am running
breezy. I started with Colony 4, and have upgraded at every opportunity. I
have the Blackdown 1.4.2 installed. I also have gij installed. OOo sortof
recognizes Blackdown. When I start OOo, javadlx starts running Java, and
Java takes about 1.2 Gb of virtual memory. Eventually (10-15 seconds) this
ends, and OOo, starts up. But, if I try to use any of the Java
functionality, I can't. So, I looked in Tools -> Options -> Java. It's
marked to use the installed JRE, but there is nothing listed for about 30
seconds. The screen even freezes up. Other programs seem relatively
unaffected. I can use the Java functionality but it is . . . s . . . . l . .
. . o . . . . .w . . . . I started base and then tried to use the wizard. It
took almost 20 seconds to get the wizard started. This machine is clocked @
2 Ghz. No way do I believe that takes that long! I doesn't on my old crappy
32 bit laptop with the same version of Java! How can I make this run
accpetably? Can I switch it to using the gij? If so, how? A friend has the
32-bit breezy installed and her's uses gij, but I can't get mine to recogniz
it. Her computer's stuff is running very well.

2) I just got upgraded to 1.129, and now OOo isn't using the GNOME theme
anymore. I logged out and back in. No change. This is hardly the end of the
world, but it was a rather odd regression.

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