Making a Grub boot cd

David david at
Mon Sep 26 23:19:39 UTC 2005

On Mon, Sep 26, 2005 at 01:42:17PM -0400, Richard Querin wrote:
> I have ubuntu installed on my system along with XP, but I've had a heck of a
> time trying to get grub working. I can boot to linux by using the install cd
> 2. Right now I have my system booting straight to XP since I've had a lot of
> work-related stuff to do as of late. Is it possible to create the Grub boot

... and as a matter of serious curiosity, what is it that you need to do 
on XP that Ubuntu can't do? Obviously I don't want to know your company 
secrets ;-)  just the type of progs. Your post seems to imply that XP 
works for work and Ubuntu doesn't.

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