List of Breezy highest level Packages

Dennis Kaarsemaker dennis at
Sat Sep 24 19:35:25 UTC 2005

On za, 2005-09-24 at 11:07 -0600, Nathan Blackham wrote:
> I just upgraded to Breezy.  I am using debfoster to make sure that I
> don't have a bunch of extra packages and libraries around.  I know
> that there was a explicit decision to make ubuntu-base not depend on
> so many packages.
> Therefore,  Can I get a list of the packages that are supposed to be
> installed with a default breezy installation, so I can get rid of all
> the unneeded packages now. Or can I get a list of packages that depend
> on everything that should be there for a default install.  Thanks 

A default breezy install installs ubuntu-base, ubuntu-desktop, linux-386
(or -686 or another version) and grub. The rest are dependencies.

Dennis K.
  - Linux for human beings:
  - Linux voor normale mensen:
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