Memory Problems (Hoary)

James Cummings cummings.james at
Thu Sep 22 08:46:52 UTC 2005

Hi There,

When I leave work my ubuntu 5.04 Hoary Hedgehog installation seems to
have plenty of memory free (when I do free -m it says it has about 383
meg (not including swap) free of its 1gb.  However, when I come back
in the morning it only has about 15 meg free.  When I use top to look
at the memory requirements of the running processes, nothing stands
out as unusual.  Xorg is using the most, and some gnome-applets are
also taking up a fair bit, but nothing drastic or enough to explain
the difference.

Any suggestions on:
a) A way to claw back this memory without just rebooting? or
b) A way to solve the underlying problem?


James Cummings, Cummings dot James at GMail dot com

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