[Breezy] It keeps shuting down my hard drive ! :-O

Harry Wert hwert at earthlink.net
Tue Sep 20 21:35:49 UTC 2005

Vincent Trouilliez wrote:

>Hi peeps,
>I have got two hard drives, Breezy on /dev/hdb, and it's using my old
>hoary /home partition on hda. So I need hda to stay spinning.
>However recently Breezy decided that it would spin down hda after only
>one minute and 30 seconds ! Needless to say, my poor hda drive stops all
>the time and restarts as soon ! If this keeps happening for too long, I
>fear that drive will fail very soon ! :-/
>I tried using /etc/hdparm.conf to disable the spindown time out, but
>this has no effect sadly :o(
>Anyone any clue ? It's probably a power management option somewhere,
>that Breezy set way too aggressively (eventhough I am using a desktop,
>not a laptop), for some reason. How/where does one go to set Breezy's
>power managment (or whatever the root cause is in this case) options ?!
>I hope there is a workaround, otherwise I really can't use Breezy :o(
>Vince, very annoyed...
This is controlled by your power settings in your BIOS. Reboot - get 
into your BIOS and look under power control settings and you should find 
an entry which will allow you to do what you want.

Harry Wert

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