Where's firestarter 1.0.3 for Hoary Universe?

Mo Pringles mopringles at xs4all.nl
Mon Sep 19 19:35:53 UTC 2005

Rich Carreiro schreef:

>dennis at kaarsemaker.net (Dennis Kaarsemaker) writes:
>>Hoary is stable -- there will be no newer version for hoary than the
>>ones that were there at the release, except for security fixes. The pool
>>has a newer one indeed -- for Breezy.
>Ah!  Thank you!  That makes sense.  So it appears the "problem" is
>at the feet of the Firestarter maintainers -- their home page says
>that 1.0.3 is available for Hoary.  Looks like they should have said
>it is available for Breezy.
>Thanks for the explanation!
Relying on Dennis' story, I was kinda amazed when I saw that my version 
of Firestarter was 1.03, and I upgraded automatically from the 
depositories. But when I looked better I saw that it was upgraded from 
the ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net. Hoary still has the 1.01 version.

Mo Pringles

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