does ubuntu come with this software?

Lee Braiden lee_b at
Mon Sep 19 16:29:57 UTC 2005

On Monday 19 September 2005 17:10, admin wrote:
> hello lee, thanks for your reply
> does ubuntu use executable installers like windows?
> i mean, to install a package, can you double-click the package and it
> will automatically begin to install?

No, that's the BAD way to do it.  When you install software manually like 
that, you're installing a fixed version, which never changes, and could have 
serious problems.  If you do that, then it's also your responsibility to 
manually check every site you download software from, to make sure you always 
have the latest version.  That could mean downloading and clicking on files 
all the time, and certainly a lot of wasted effort, with potential for 
mistakes and/or laziness.

Linux systems keep lists of almost all available software.  You just choose 
what you need on your computer, and the package manager automatically 
installs the latest version for you.  Because the manager knows and 
understands each bit of software, and how it all relates, it can keep your 
system running perfectly, and makes upgrading lots of different programs a 
very simple process.

If you're familiar with "windows update", just think of that, but on a much 
grander scale, that works for EVERYTHING on your system, and not just a few 
favorite programs from microsoft.

> i'm a little intimidated at the thought of installing from the command
> line

Normally, you won't have to do that.  When you do, you can simply follow 
instructions provided by others, until you're comfortable with it.

> i know years ago i installed mandrake on a pc and at the end it asked
> me if i had any more discs to search for packages
> does or can ubuntu do this?

It can, yes.  It's easier to just use the net, though.  It will find out the 
latest versions for you, and download and install what you ask for 

Lee Braiden
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