Breezy amd64

Andy Choens gunksta at
Sun Sep 18 04:00:29 UTC 2005

If you own an ATI 200M, go ahead and run through ATI's little xserver 
configuration script. I tried the stuff from ATI and Ubuntu and can't tell 
any difference. I'm not thrilled with what it did to my mouse, but I can fix 
that and get it working right again. The fglrx driver did not succeed in 
getting me hardware acceleration, which means I don't have 3-D, but the 2D 
performance is _better_ than the open source driver and I can switch to 
another tty without trashing my display! Sadly, this is a major improvement. 
I can actually use this silly thing.

Now, if I could just figure out how to make OOo see my java installation 
this laptop would be 80% useable!
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