Lightweight terminal emulator?

Michael R Head burner at
Thu Sep 15 03:52:45 UTC 2005

On Thu, 2005-09-15 at 03:05 +0000, Grant Edwards wrote:
> On 2005-09-15, Michael R Head <burner at> wrote:
> >> I've been using aterm (1/10 the size of gnome-terminal) for
> >> many years, but it doesn't have UTF-8 support, so the move to
> >> supporting only UTF8 locales broke aterm.
> >
> > xfce has it's own terminal program that's similar to
> > gnome-terminal but seems to be a bit peppier.  
> Yup.  I've been experimenting with xfce4-terminal. It's not
> nearly as bloated as gnome-terminal, though it's still 4-6
> times larger than aterm.  The proble with xfce4-terminal that
> is as yet unsolved is that I can't convince it to use a decent
> terminal font. By decent, I mean something like the X11 "misc"
> 7x14 bitmapped font.  The scalable rendered fonts are all too
> ugly to look at for 10 hours a day.

Personal preference, of course, but I've been using the Bitstream Vera
family of fonts for more than 10 hours a day (on some days) for several
years now. Still, I acknowledge that you want a certain (somewhat
obsolete) font on a modern desktop. 

Fortunately, xterm, aterm, wterm, and rxvt exist and can be used and
don't rely on pango/gtk to load fonts.

> But, ubuntu doesn't appear to have any of the "misc" bitmapped
> fonts in UTF encoding.  They're all there, but they're all
> ISO-8859-1 encoding, but the whole distro is UTF8-only.
> I'm not sure the "UTF8-only" thing is really ready for
> prime-time.

Works for me, and apparently a large number of Ubuntu users. 

I feel your pain though, it sucks when the old ways of doing things
don't fit into the new models...

> -- 
> Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  .. I don't understand
>                                   at               the HUMOR of the THREE
>                                  STOOGES!!
Michael R Head <burner at>
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