Server list

Brian Puccio brian at
Mon Sep 12 23:04:00 UTC 2005

On Mon, 2005-09-12 at 15:13 -0700, George Farris wrote:
> Is there a mail list for the development of the server version of Ubuntu
> that was mentioned some while ago?  I'm running a couple of Ubuntu
> servers with Samba, LDAP, etc.

AFAIK, there is only the ubuntu-users list, which is for ubuntu-users
both in the desktop role and server role. The "server version" of Ubuntu
is the same OS, same repositories, just without a bunch of desktop
software installed by default. The unofficial Ubuntu forums have a
server subforum:

I do believe that this topic is better suited to the ubuntu-users list,
someone correct me if I am mistaken. Maybe further discussion should
take place there.
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