Installation help

Paul M Edwards pauledwards at
Sun Sep 11 05:53:25 UTC 2005

There's not enough information here to help you much.

Which packages?
What other steps failed?
What were the error / failure messages?
What is the partition layout you setup?
If you have less than 1GB of RAM, you should setup and use a swap
partition double the size of your RAM.


On 9/10/05, Homer Pope <homerpope at> wrote:
> Hello, 
> I am a newbie attempting my first installation of linux.  I would like to
> install it on my second HD which has 20gb free space. 
> I created 2 partitions a 500mb and 20GB, but when it attempted to install
> the additional packages it failed.  Then a couple of other steps failed. 
> Was this bc I didnt designate one of then as the swap partition?  If so how
> do I do this?  Or did I do something else wrong? 
> Thanks 
> homer

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