Breezy/linux-image-2.6.12-8-686/Cisco VPN kernel panic

Norman Walsh ndw at
Fri Sep 9 18:06:02 UTC 2005

I've switched my Thinkpad T42p to Ubuntu Breezy. Mostly, it was smooth
sailing. There's an annoyance here and there, but the only critical
problem is that Cisco's VPN client causes a kernel panic periodically.
(I'm 99.4% sure the problem is in the VPN module and periodically
means every few hours in this case.)

I've tried both




with similar results. I haven't found any others. Usually it just
locks the machine solid, but I did manage to catch the panic once in
syslog (attached).

Anyone else experienced this? Anyone got a suggested workaround?

I had been running Woody before, with my own custom kernel
without any problems. I might try to rebuild that kernel, but if I can
work around the bug some other way, I'd be happier.

BTW, the open source VPN client isn't an option because I need to use
certificates which according to the TODO are not yet supported.

Advice and suggestions most welcome.

                                        Be seeing you,

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Norman Walsh <ndw at> | The price one pays for pursuing any            | profession or calling is an intimate
                              | knowledge of its ugly side.--James
                              | Baldwin
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