Openoffice fonts

Tom^ ulist at
Fri Sep 9 17:34:20 UTC 2005

Lee Braiden Wrote: 
> On Friday 09 September 2005 11:40, Tom^ wrote:
> > I discovered that I didn't have the correct fonts in too to be
> > able to open office files made with windows (the scandinavian letters
> > showed as boxes). So I installed msttcorefonts and now I don't like
> how
> > my firefox's fonts look like: some of the letters are almost
> unreadable.
> > It's just plain ugly. How to fix this and still have those fonts in
> >
> Does that happen on every site, or just specific ones, or specific
> kinds of 
> sites?  It's probably due to those sites specifying the fonts you
> installed 
> as one of their preferred fonts.  All you could do is ask them to
> change the 
> site so that you can pick your own fonts, maybe force your browser to
> use its 
> own fonts, if it has the option, or use something like junkbuster to
> change 
> the sites content as it's downloaded.
> -- 
> Lee Braiden
> -- 
> ubuntu-users mailing list
> ubuntu-users at
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> =fwIW

Lee Braiden, it seems to happen on specific sites, so like you said,
they must be defining the fonts. Unfortunately, the 'bad' font is on
many sites I use, especially my university's site is the one which
bothers me the most. I'm wondering why it's rendered so wrong.

I also think that the university site uses that Verdana which is badly
needed with the so I can't just pick fonts from the package.
Best solution for this would be if I could make those msttcorefonts
available only to Is that possible?

Thanks for your help.


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