Internet connection using Smart link 56k voice modem and Ubuntu 5.04 AMD64

didier mariño didier_marinio at
Thu Sep 8 13:57:28 UTC 2005

Hello Sebastian,

I've been waiting for many days the answer from Smart
Link about the driver modem for AMD 64, but they does
not write anything relate to my need, they might not
be interested.

I have an AMD64 processor working with Microsoft
because I can not use my modem to access internet
using   GNU/linux, I know that many companies are
still married  with Microsoft and don´t want to give
support to their user when the try another system like

¿Where  Nautilus is on the menu?.

Best regards,

 --- Sebastian Müsch <sebastian at>

> Hi,
> Maybe they'll tell you that the driver is functional
> on amd64 and send you
> another object-file (.o) file compiled for your
> platform, in most cases they
> just do nothing ...
> If you get this object file, then just unpack the
> original driver ...
> "tar xzvf filename" for a tar.gz file
> "tar xvf filename" for a tar file
> ... Replace the object-file within the unpacked
> files and procede like
> already told (or take a look at the readme).
> > If the company told me they can´t help me to solve
> the
> > problem, what should I do?.
> You should tell them, you bought the modem, because
> there was no restriction
> for the processor, while using linux, and force them
> to pay you the money
> back. Another option is to reinstall ubuntu and use
> your amd64 in
> compatibility 32 Bit mode, but that's imho like
> having a ferrari and driving
> it like a bike
> Buying a modem, which is functional in linux is the
> last option then. Sorry,
> > When I use oppenoffice, I want to save information
> on
> > the floppy disk, but I can´t find it, I suppose it
> > happends because I have to mount the floppy,
> doesn´t
> > it?.  What is the command to mount the floppy in
> > GNU/Linux?
> Imho. Goto Drives (?) within Nautilus, then all
> drives including your floppy
> should appear. Insert a disk and right-click to the
> icon "Mount disk" ...
> Should do the trick. On the Terminal "mount
> /media/floppy" would have the
> same effect. It seems like you are not familar with
> using filesystems within
> unixoids. So here's an important tip: Don't eject
> the disc before unmounting
> (same procedure within nautilus / "umount
> /media/floppy" from within the
> terminal).
> -- 
>         .:'
>      _ :'_
>    .`_`-'_`.     Sebastian Müsch
>   :__|\ /|__:      sebastian at
>   :__| S |__:
>   :__|   |__:     iTunes ist aus :-(
>    `._.-._.'
> --
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