Can't reboot from ssh command line

Stephen R Laniel steve at
Sun Sep 4 19:33:08 UTC 2005

On Mon, Sep 05, 2005 at 04:23:53AM +0900, Craig Hagerman wrote:
> I would really appreciate any help or advice to figure out how to fix
> this problem. On a related note... is there any way I can have the
> machine shutdown and then turn itself on and some later time?

By software? No. If the machine is turned off, Linux is not
running. So there's no way to have Linux software turn it on
when it's turned off.

However, you could take the low-tech route and connect an
old-fashioned timer to the electrical outlet that the
computer is plugged into.

Stephen R. Laniel
steve at
+(617) 308-5571
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