[Breezy] Root terminal

Dennis Kaarsemaker dennis at kaarsemaker.net
Fri Sep 2 08:38:34 UTC 2005

On vr, 2005-09-02 at 07:10 +0200, Jochen Skulj wrote:
> I've got a problem in Breezy which is quite small, but maybe one of
> you
> can provide a quick solution. I can't open a 'Root Terminal' from the
> Gnome menu. If I try so, first the dialog to enter my passwort appears
> and then ...  nothing happens. However, I can use sudo in a normal
> terminal without any problems. So it's no big problem.  But if you
> know
> how to fix it, I woul appreciate your hints.

Try from a normal terminal: gksudo gnome-terminal

Does that work?
Dennis K.
  - Linux for human beings: http://www.ubuntulinux.org
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